Hello, laravel web developers! In this tutorial, I will show you how to build a feature flag system in Laravel 11 that allows you to control the release of new features incrementally. By implementing feature flags, you can enable or disable features for specific users or user groups without the need to redeploy your code.
This approach is perfect for testing new features with a small audience or rolling out changes gradually across your application. Let’s walk through the steps to create a feature flag system with feature toggles, user targeting, and dynamic updates.
Feature Flag System in Laravel 11 for Controlled Releases
First, we’ll need a way to store feature flags in the database. Let’s create a FeatureFlag model and corresponding migration
php artisan make:model FeatureFlag -m
In the migration file, define the table structure.
public function up()
Schema::create('feature_flags', function (Blueprint $table) {
This table will store the flag name, whether the feature is enabled, and the list of users (if any) who should have access to the feature.
php artisan migrate
Next, create a seeder to populate your FeatureFlags table with some flags.
php artisan make:seeder FeatureFlagSeeder
In the seeder file, add the following:
public function run()
['name' => 'new_dashboard', 'enabled' => false, 'targeted_users' => json_encode([1, 2])],
['name' => 'beta_feature', 'enabled' => false, 'targeted_users' => null],
Run the seeder:
php artisan db:seed --class=FeatureFlagSeeder
Let’s create a service that checks whether a feature is enabled or not.
namespace App\Services;
use App\Models\FeatureFlag;
class FeatureFlagService
public function isFeatureEnabled(string $featureName, $userId = null): bool
$flag = FeatureFlag::where('name', $featureName)->first();
if (!$flag || !$flag->enabled) {
return false;
if ($flag->targeted_users) {
$targetedUsers = json_decode($flag->targeted_users, true);
return in_array($userId, $targetedUsers);
return true;
This service will first check if the feature is globally enabled and, if there’s user targeting, whether the feature is available for the given user.
In your controllers, use the FeatureFlagService to control access to specific features.
use App\Services\FeatureFlagService;
public function show(FeatureFlagService $featureFlagService)
$userId = auth()->user()->id;
if ($featureFlagService->isFeatureEnabled('new_dashboard', $userId)) {
// Load new dashboard
return view('dashboard.new');
} else {
// Load old dashboard
return view('dashboard.old');
To allow dynamic updates without redeploying, you can manage the feature flags directly in the database. For example, you can create an admin interface that lets you toggle flags or update targeted users in real-time.
You can add a simple admin interface:
Route::get('/admin/feature-flags', [FeatureFlagController::class, 'index']);
Route::post('/admin/feature-flags/update', [FeatureFlagController::class, 'update']);
use App\Models\FeatureFlag;
public function index()
$flags = FeatureFlag::all();
return view('admin.feature-flags.index', compact('flags'));
public function update(Request $request)
$flag = FeatureFlag::find($request->id);
$flag->enabled = $request->enabled;
$flag->targeted_users = json_encode($request->targeted_users);
return redirect()->back()->with('status', 'Feature flag updated!');
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