Helper Function Example in Laravel 8

Websolutionstuff | Jun-22-2021 | Categories : Laravel

Hello All,

In this post we will see helper function example in laravel, Laravel provide in-buit global "helper" PHP functions and these functions are used by the laravel framework itself.

Here i will show laravel 8 global helper function with differnt type of example and also we will see how to use global helper function in laravel 8.


Exmaple : 

bcrypt() :  This function through you can convert your password into bcrypt.

$pwd = bcrypt('password');


cookie() : The cookie function creates a new cookie instance.

$cookie = cookie('name', 'value', $minutes);


 csrf_field():This function generates an HTML hidden input field containing the value of the CSRF token.

{{ csrf_field() }}


csrf_token(): This function retrieves the value of the current CSRF token.

$token = csrf_token();


dd():  This function dumps the given variables and ends execution of the script.



now () : This function return current time.

$time = now();


Str::between : This method returns the part of a string between two values. if we need to use str function then we need to add Illuminate\Support\Str class.

use Illuminate\Support\Str;

$slice = Str::between('This is demo example', 'This', 'example');

// it will return ' is demo '


Str::camel : This method converts string into camelcase.

use Illuminate\Support\Str;

$example = Str::camel('hello_all');

// helloAll


Str::contains: This method check if the given string contains the given value, it is case sensitive.

use Illuminate\Support\Str;

$contains = Str::contains('This is demo example', 'demo');

// true


Arr::random : This method returns a random value from an array if we need to use str function then we need to add use Illuminate\Support\Arr  class.

use Illuminate\Support\Arr;

$array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

$random = Arr::random($array);

// 2 - it will return random number


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