How to Get Min Value of Column in Laravel 11

Websolutionstuff | Jan-07-2025 | Categories : Laravel MySQL

In this article, I’ll show you how to get the minimum value of a column in Laravel 11 using the built-in min(), oldest(), and orderBy() methods. This method is a quick and efficient way to find the smallest value in a database column, whether you're working with numbers, dates, or other comparable data types.

Steps to Get Minimum Value of a Column in Laravel 11:

Use the min() Method in Query Builder:

Laravel's query builder provides a min() method to get the smallest value in a column.


If you have a table named products with a column price, you can find the minimum price like this.

$minPrice = DB::table('products')->min('price');
echo "The minimum price is: " . $minPrice;


Use the min() Method with Eloquent:

If you're using Eloquent models, you can also use the min() method.


$minPrice = Product::min('price');
echo "The minimum price is: " . $minPrice;


Using orderBy() Method:

The orderBy() method sorts the records by a specified column, and you can retrieve the smallest value by picking the first record.


Retrieve the product with the lowest price.

$minPriceProduct = Product::orderBy('price', 'asc')->first();
if ($minPriceProduct) {
    echo "The minimum price is: " . $minPriceProduct->price;
} else {
    echo "No products found.";


Using oldest() Method:

The oldest() method sorts the records by a specified column in ascending order. It defaults to the created_at column if no column is specified. You can specify a different column to find the smallest value.


Retrieve the oldest product based on the price column.

$minPriceProduct = Product::oldest('price')->first();
if ($minPriceProduct) {
    echo "The minimum price is: " . $minPriceProduct->price;
} else {
    echo "No products found.";


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