Laravel whereDate and whereDay Example

Websolutionstuff | Jan-21-2021 | Categories : Laravel PHP MySQL

In this article, we will see laravel whereDate and whereDay examples. As you all know laravel provides many inbuilt functionalities like query builder, eloquent, etc. So, here we will give you an example of whereDay and WhereDate using the date function in laravel 6, laravel 7, and laravel 8.

So, let's see the laravel 7/8 whereDate query example and laravel 7/8 whereDay query example.

The whereDate method is used to compare a column's value against a date. whereDate() through we can make conditions like date even column datatype timestamps.

Laravel WhereDate() Function

Example 1:

$birthdate = DB::table('students')
            ->whereDate('bday', '2021-01-01')

 In this example you will get all result of bday which one have date like 01-01-2021.

Example 2: 

$birthdate = DB::table('students')


Laravel whereDay() Function

The whereDay method is used to compare a column's value against a specific day of the month. whereDay() through we can get only specific day records from your timestamps column.


$birthdate = DB::table('students')
            ->whereDay('bday', '2021-01-01')

In this example, you will get all data for which one date day value has 01.


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