In this example we will see convert JSON string to JSON object in Javascript. You can use the javascript JSON.parse() method to convert a JSON string into a JSON object. JSON is used for exchange data between server and web.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate.
JSON has built on two types :
So, let's start example of convert JSON string to JSON object in Javascript
we recived JSON string from web server.
'{"name":"dell", "age":20, "city":"Dubai", "gender":"male"}'
Now we can convert string to json object using json.parse() method.
var user = JSON.parse('{"name":"dell", "age":20, "city":"Dubai", "gender":"male"}');
Now we are converting JSON text to Javascript Object like below example.
const txt = '{"name":"dell", "age":20, "city":"Dubai", "gender":"male"}'
const obj = JSON.parse(txt);
console.log("Name: ";
console.log("Age: "+obj.age);
Now in this example convert Array as JSON using json.parse() method in javascript. so, parsing json array will be parsed into a JavaScript array.
const text = '[ "Dell", "30", "Dubai", "Male" ]';
const parseArr = JSON.parse(text);
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