How To Install php-zip Extension In Ubuntu

Websolutionstuff | Jul-14-2023 | Categories : Laravel PHP

In this article, I will guide you through the process of installing the php-zip extension on Ubuntu. The php-zip extension provides a convenient way to work with ZIP archives in PHP. With this extension, you can easily create, extract, and manipulate ZIP files, making it a valuable addition to your PHP development environment.

In the following sections, I will walk you through the step-by-step installation process, ensuring that you have all the necessary tools and dependencies.

So let's get started and learn how to install the php-zip extension on Ubuntu.

Step 1: Update Package Lists

Open a terminal window and run the following command to update the package lists.

sudo apt update


Step 2: Install php-zip

Once the package lists are updated, you can proceed to install the php-zip extension by running the following command.

sudo apt-get install php-zip


PHP 8.2

Run the following command to install php-zip for PHP 8.2.

sudo apt-get install php8.2-zip


PHP 8.1

Run the following command to install php-zip for PHP 8.1.

sudo apt-get install php8.1-zip


 PHP 8.0

Run the following command to install php-zip for PHP 8.0.

sudo apt-get install php8.0-zip


 PHP 7.4

Run the following command to install php-zip for PHP 7.4.

sudo apt-get install php7.4-zip


 PHP 7.3

Run the following command to install php-zip for PHP 7.3.

sudo apt-get install php7.3-zip


Step 3: Restart Apache Server

After the installation is complete, you need to restart the PHP service for the changes to take effect. Run the following command to restart PHP.

sudo service apache2 restart


Step 4: Check php-zip Extension Installed

To ensure that php-zip is successfully installed. Run the following command to check.

php -m | grep -i zip


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