How to Format Number with 2 Decimal in PHP

Websolutionstuff | Feb-26-2024 | Categories : Laravel PHP

Hey there! If you've ever needed to work with numbers in PHP, you probably know how important it is to format them properly. Getting the formatting right can make a big difference if you're dealing with money, measurements, or any other numerical data.

In this guide, I will show you step-by-step how to format numbers with two decimals in Laravel PHP.

So, let's see how to format numbers with 2 decimals in PHP, PHP format number with 2 decimals, number_format in PHP decimal, number format in laravel 8/9/10, and laravel php number format.

Step 1: Define Your Number

First, you need to have a number that you want to format. It could be a variable containing a numerical value or a number retrieved from a database or user input.

$number = 1234.56789;


Step 2: Use number_format() Function

PHP provides a handy function called number_format() specifically designed for formatting numbers. This function allows you to specify the number of decimal places you want to display.

$formatted_number = number_format($number, 2);

In this example, 2 specifies that we want to display two decimal places. If you need to round the number to two decimal places, you can use the round() function before applying number_format().

$formatted_number = number_format(round($number, 2), 2);

Here are multiple ways to format a number in PHP with code snippets:

Using number_format() function:

$number = 1234.56789;
$formatted_number = number_format($number, 2);
echo "Formatted Number: $formatted_number";


Using sprintf() function:

$number = 1234.56789;
$formatted_number = sprintf("%.2f", $number);
echo "Formatted Number: $formatted_number";


Using round() function with number_format():

$number = 1234.56789;
$formatted_number = number_format(round($number, 2), 2);
echo "Formatted Number: $formatted_number";


Using number_format() with custom thousands and decimal separators:

$number = 1234.56789;
$formatted_number = number_format($number, 2, '.', ',');
echo "Formatted Number: $formatted_number";


Using number_format() with localized formatting:

$number = 1234.56789;
setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'en_US');
$formatted_number = money_format("%.2n", $number);
echo "Formatted Number: $formatted_number";


Step 3: Display the Formatted Number

Now that you have your formatted number, you can display it wherever needed, whether it's on a web page, a report, or any other output.

echo "Formatted Number: $formatted_number";

That's it! By following these steps, you can confidently format numbers with two decimals in PHP


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