Localization - Laravel Localization Example

Websolutionstuff | Nov-06-2020 | Categories : Laravel PHP

In this article, we will see localization - laravel localization example. Laravel's localization features provide a convenient way to retrieve text in different languages, allowing you to easily support multiple languages within your application.

Laravel localization may help to create a multi-language website in different languages using multiple methods of strings. And also, we will not use a package for string translation. we will use laravel trans() and @lang() function to convert string in multi-language. So, you can create a laravel 7/8/9 localization example within the lang directory.

let's see, how to create localization in laravel 7/8/9, how to create dynamic language in laravel 7/8/9, and language translation in laravel.

Step 1: Create a Localization File

In this laravel localization example, we will create a localization file language-wise. Here we will create two files First one is for English and the second one is for Chinese.

1. resources/lang/en/message.php
2. resources/lang/zhh/message.php


Step 2: Create Controller

Add the below code in your terminal to create a new controller in your laravel localization example

php artisan make:controller LocalizationController

Now, add the below code in your LocalizationController.

public function index(Request $request,$locale) 
  return view('welcome');


Step 3: Add Route in web.php

Now, add the below route to the web.php file.




Note:  We are passing {locale} argument. which is used to see the output in a different language.



Step 4: Create Blade File

In this step, we will create a blade file to view our output.

<div class="content" style="text-align: justify;">                
                <h1>Laravel 8 Localization - websolutionstuff.com</h1>
                <h2>The Message Display Using trans() : {{trans('message.welcome')}}</h2>
                <h2>The Message Display Using lang() : @lang('message.welcome')</h2>
                <h2>The Message Display Using __ : {{__('message.welcome')}}</h2><br>
                <h3>The Message Display Using json and it's useful in <p style="color: red;"> 
                   "toastr message" or "notification" and "required validation message" </p> 
                <h2>Example of label and placeholder localization</h2>
                <input class="form-control" placeholder="@lang('message.placeholder')" id="title" 
                  name="title" type="text" />

Here we are using different ways to display localization strings in laravel.

1. trans()
2. @lang()
3. __()
4. @json(__())


Run this example in your browser and get output like the below screenshot.  


laravel localization english




laravel localization cn


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