How to Search Object by ID and Remove It from JSON Array In JavaScript

Websolutionstuff | May-26-2021 | Categories : PHP jQuery

In this example we will see how to search object by id and remove it from json array in javascript. we need to add JavaScript function that takes in one such array as the first argument and id string in second argument for search and remove object from json array.

After that this function search for the object by that id, and if the array contains that object, we should remove object from json array in javascript.So, let's learn how to remove object from json array in javascript.

Example : 

const arr = [
   {id: "1", name: "car", type: "vehicle"},
   {id: "2", name: "bike", type: "vehicle"},
   {id: "3", name: "cycle", type: "vehicle"},
   {id: "4", name: "pink", type: "color"},
   {id: "5", name: "blue", type: "color"},
   {id: "6", name: "red", type: "color"},


const removeById = (arr, id) => {
   const requiredIndex = arr.findIndex(el => {
      return === String(id);
   if(requiredIndex === -1){
      return false;
   return !!arr.splice(requiredIndex, 1);
removeById(arr, 5);


Output :

   {id: "1", name: "car", type: "vehicle"},
   {id: "2", name: "bike", type: "vehicle"},
   {id: "3", name: "cycle", type: "vehicle"},
   {id: "4", name: "pink", type: "color"},
   {id: "6", name: "red", type: "color"},



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