How to Convert PDF to Image in Laravel 10

Websolutionstuff | Dec-22-2023 | Categories : Laravel PHP

Greetings, Laravel enthusiasts! Today, let's unravel a common challenge in web development – converting PDFs to images using Laravel 10. Whether you're dealing with document previews, image galleries, or any creative project.

This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process using Imagick. Join me in exploring this functionality and elevating your Laravel skills to a new level.

In this article, we'll see examples of how to convert PDF to image in laravel 8/9/10. You can easily convert PDF to image using Imagick in laravel 10.

Let's see laravel 10 convert PDF to image.

Step 1: Install Imagick Extension

Before diving into PDF to image conversion, make sure you have the Imagick extension installed. Imagick is a powerful PHP extension that provides advanced image manipulation capabilities.

Install php-imagick:

sudo apt install php-imagick

Check php-magick:

sudo apt list php-magick -a

Restart apache2 server:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Check imagick installed:

php -r 'phpinfo();' | grep imagick

Give Permission to Convert PDF File:

Open the following file and update as below line into that line:

File Path: /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml

Check imagick installed:

<policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PDF" />
<policy domain="coder" rights="read|write" pattern="PDF" />
Step 2: Create Controller

Generate a controller for handling the PDF to image conversion:

php artisan make:controller PDFToImageController

In your PDFToImageController.php file, use the following code to convert a PDF to an image:

use Imagick;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Imagick;

class PDFToImageController extends Controller
    public function convertPDFToImage(Request $request)
        $pdfPath = $request->file('pdf')->path();

        $imagick = new Imagick();
        $imagick->readImage($pdfPath . '[0]'); // Convert the first page of the PDF

        $imagick->setImageFormat('png'); // Set the output format, you can change it as needed

        $imagePath = public_path('images/') . 'converted_image.png'; // Define the output image path

        return response()->json(['image_path' => $imagePath]);


Step 3: Define Routes

In your web.php file, define a route to trigger the PDF to image conversion:

use App\Http\Controllers\PDFToImageController;

Route::post('/convert-pdf-to-image', [PDFToImageController::class, 'convertPDFToImage']);


Step 4: Test Your Application

Run your Laravel application:

php artisan serve



Congratulations! You've successfully implemented PDF to image conversion in Laravel 10 using Imagick. This powerful feature opens doors to a wide array of possibilities, from document management to creative projects.


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