Tag : Qrcode

How To Generate QR Code In Angular 13

How To Generate QR Code In Angular 13

In this article, we will see how to generate QR code in angular 13. In this example, we will use the angularx-qrcode npm package to generate QR code in the angular 13 application. we will simply install that angularx-qrcode npm package and use the QRCodeModule module to generate the QR code....

Laravel 9 QR Code Generator Example

Laravel 9 QR Code Generator Example

In this article, we will see laravel 9 QR code generator example. As per the current trend, many websites and applications provide features like login with QR code, scan QR code and get more information about products and websites, etc. we will implement a QR code example. there are many pac...

Laravel 8 QR Code Generator Example

Laravel 8 QR Code Generator Example

In this tutorial, we will see the laravel 8 QR code generator example. we will generate QR code using simplesoftwareio/simple-qrcode package in laravel 8. simplesoftwareio/simple-qrcode package is an easy-to-use PHP QR Code generator with first-party support for laravel 8.


How to Generate QR Code in Node.js

How to Generate QR Code in Node.js

In this example we will see how to generate QR Code in Node.js application. In this example we will use qrcode npm package for generate QR Code. we will create json data object and create QR Code for that json data object.

QR code has become an important part of li...

How To Generate QR Code Using Javascript

How To Generate QR Code Using Javascript

In this tutorial we will see how to generate QR code using javascript. we will implement QR code generator without any kind of package or plugins. we are create QR code using API. Using API, you can create dynamic qr code generator and read QR code graphics yourself and also you can cre...

Laravel 8 QR Code Generate Example

Laravel 8 QR Code Generate Example

In this post we will see Laravel 8 qr code generate example. we will generate QR Code using simple-qrcode package. so we will learn how to create QR Code in laravel 8 using simple package.

Here, we are using simple-qrcode package, This package is very simple to use and generate QR...

How To Generate QRcode In Laravel

How To Generate QRcode In Laravel

In this example, I will give information about how to generate QR code in laravel. As per the current trend, many websites and applications provide features like login with a QR code, scanning QR codes, getting more information about products and websites, etc.

So, let's see&nb...

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Laravel 8 Many To Many Relationship Example
Laravel 8 Many To Many Relatio...

In this example we will see laravel 8 many to many relationship example. Use many to many relationship in lara...

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Bootstrap Modal In Angular 13
Bootstrap Modal In Angular 13

In this article, we will see the bootstrap modal in angular 13. Ng Bootstrap is developed from bootstrap and they p...

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Laravel 9 File Upload Example
Laravel 9 File Upload Example

In this artical, we will explain the laravel 9 file upload example step by step. As we know file upload is the most comm...

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Laravel where and orWhere Condition Example
Laravel where and orWhere Cond...

In this article, we will see laravel where and orWhere condition example. we will give you a very simple example of...

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