In this article, we will see how to install python on ubuntu. Python is a popular programming language. Python can be used on a server to create web applications. Python is a high-level, dynamic, and general-purpose programming language. It was designed and developed by Python Software Foundation.
So, let's see how to install python on ubuntu 16.04, how to install python on ubuntu 18.04, how to install python on ubuntu 20.04, install python 3 on ubuntu, ubuntu install python 3, ubuntu install python, ubuntu install pip, install python in ubuntu using terminal, ubuntu 20.04 install python 3, install python 3 on ubuntu 20.04.
In this step, we will update the APT repository using the below command.
apt-get update
Install the supporting software with the below command. The software-properties-common package gives you better control over your package manager by letting you add PPA (Personal Package Archive) repositories.
sudo apt install software-properties-common
Deadsnakes is a PPA with newer releases than the default Ubuntu repositories. Add the PPA using the below command.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
The system will prompt you to press enter to continue. After that update the package.
sudo apt update
Now, we will install Python 3.8 the using below command.
sudo apt install python3.8
You can verify whether python is installed or not using the below command.
python --version
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