In this tutorial, I will show you how to add toastr notification in laravel application. There are many types of notifications available to display different messages in laravel or PHP like simple pop-up notifications using jquery, display messages using bootstrap modal, display notifications using flash message, and toastr message notifications.
So, let's see how to add toastr notification in laravel 6/7/8, toastr notification example in laravel 6/7/8, how to add a custom message in toastr notification, how to use toastr in laravel, how to install toastr in laravel 8, toast notification jquery.
First, you need to add bootstrap CSS, Jquery js, toastr CSS, and toastr Javascript in your main view blade file, I have added the below CDN in the <head> tag.
<title>Laravel Toastr Notification Example -</title>
<link href="
alpha/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
<script src=""></script>
Then after we need to add different toastr messages in the script tag like below.
toastr.options =
"closeButton" : true,
"progressBar" : true
toastr.success("{{ session('message') }}");
toastr.options =
"closeButton" : true,
"progressBar" : true
toastr.error("{{ session('error') }}");
toastr.options =
"closeButton" : true,
"progressBar" : true
}"{{ session('info') }}");
toastr.options =
"closeButton" : true,
"progressBar" : true
toastr.warning("{{ session('warning') }}");
After that, we need to display messages in the view file using the redirect URL in the controller. So, we need to add some code to the controller also. So, copy the below code in your controller.
return redirect()->route('your route name')->with('message','Data added Successfully');
return redirect()->route('your route name')->with('error','Data Deleted');
return redirect()->route('your route name')->with('Warning','Are you sure you want to delete? ');
return redirect()->route('your route name')->with('info','This is xyz information');
So, I hope you will be successfully implementing this code and displaying the different messages in your laravel applications.
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